Jap Pumpkins (corrected)

I assume these are what they are.  Question is - do I harvest now or wait till the vines start to look really decrepit?

Already showing faint hints of orange

Another one - I think in total I have 5 of varying sizes


  1. Not totally sure, but I thought Jap pumpkins were called that because of "Just Another Pumpkin"..not Japanese? but yes, I think that is what that variety looks like that you have there...well done...we only grew two this year!

    1. Don't know - you might be right - I always thought they were Japanese - I like Jap more though - just another pumpkin... I did a lot of 'helping' by pollinating...

  2. Wow lucky you! How much room did they take up? they look as though they are quite compact - did you trim the ends of the vines? I Have heard that the vine tips are quite tasty and that cutting those compacts the whole vine and makes it more productive. I think the longer you leave them to dry out in the sunshine on the vine the better they will keep.

    1. Lots. Monster vines... I had to cut my losses and trim the ends after I got a couple of pumpkins. They were taking over the whole section down the back. I'll probably just keep them on the vine and keep trimming the ends off... it's too late in the season anyway for anymore to develop well. I think I much prefer the Butternuts, they seem more compact and it's easier to tell when they are ready.


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