Showing Promise...

I take a wander down to the passionfruit vine that I had propped up earlier on and I find...


and more passionfruit...

and still more passionfruit!!


  1. Those passionfruit look interesting - mine are just green they don't have the white dots like on these - must be a different variety - do you know what it is?

  2. I believe these are the 'golden passionfruit' so not dark purple one that you usually find in the fruit stores. I spoke too soon though - I found one on the floor of the chicken run this afternoon (unripened) :( A friend of mine never harvested any because she said the pesky cockatoos kept getting to them before she did and the problem with them is that they aren't real picky about which fruits they pick at - they chew on the unripe ones as well! I hope they stay clear of mine!


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