Musical plants

In preparation for the chickens and the veggie growing.  I decided to move some plants.  This spot in front of the back porch gets sun and is close to the water source.  So it will be our prime spot for veggies/herbs.  The old plot down the back always had problems with lack of water so I figure better for the plot to be closer to the house than it is further.  I am more likely to tend to the plants. 

Had to move the Dietes sideways into another garden bed.  I still have one large clump to go.  Not sure if they will survive the uprooting but I am told they are tough plants so they should cope? 😬  As long as I keep the water up?  The weather pattern has been predicted to be La Niña?  So if the bureau is right, it means this is the better time to get a garden established (with the higher than usual rainfall).

And whilst I was at it, I thought I would move the Clivias down the back, some Spider Plants, Mondo grass and a clump of Violets to this shaded corner of the backyard.  All in all a very productive day. 
