Finishing a wedding quilt

Took me a while.  It is a queen size after all, so large that I had to pin it on our bed!  Backed with a fleece blanket that we never use and just tied.  Similar colours to Ethan's quilt  (I really liked how the brown binding sat with the blues, red and creams so I repeated it here). Added a tag with their wedding date.  And after that I had the dilemma of how to wrap it...didn't have a suitable bag handy so decided to use up scraps of the same material and and sew up a round bottom drawstring bag similar to a sleeping bag cover...and went with the whole repurposing theme and cut out the top of the invite (which would've ended up in the recycle bin anyway), printed out our well wishes and glued it to the back, punched a hole through the card and tied it with a ribbon I had saved for exactly this occasion.  I am immensely satisfied with the finished product!
